Common Follow-up System Logo

North Carolina’s Longitudinal Data System for Workforce and Education

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About CFS

The Common Follow-up System (CFS) is a longitudinal repository of workforce and education data maintained by a collaborative effort between the North Carolina Department of Information Technology’s Government Data Analytics Center and the Labor and Economic Analysis Division of the North Carolina Department of Commerce. The CFS contains data on participants in North Carolina public employment, training, and education programs going back to the late 1990's. The system also contains employment and wage information on all individuals working in UI-covered employment in North Carolina over the last 25 years, making it one of the largest sources of historical wage data in the nation.

Hand holding a compass, while looking at mountains ahead.

CFS Purpose

The purpose of the Common Follow-up System is to provide information on the educational and employment outcomes of participants in publicly supported educational, employment and training programs.

Graduates throwing their hats in the air at sunset.


The quality outcome information on participants of educational, employment, and training programs is essential for program planning, evaluation, and resource management.

Partners & Program Participants

How is the Common Follow-up System Operated?

Data Collection

Participating agencies submit data files containing information on demographics, program enrollment and completion, and other relevant program data. CFS also contains unemployment insurance wage records and industry information.

Data Validation

Once agency data files are received, a series of edit checks are performed for comparability and accuracy. Data files have to be reviewed, approved, and then loaded to data warehouses in the Government Data Analytics Center (GDAC) environment.

Data Confidentiality

The confidential nature of information in CFS mandates strict safeguards in the collection, storage and use of the data. CFS data are stored on secure servers through GDAC and are covered by MOA outlining strict confidentiality.

CFS Data Stories

Check out LEAD Feed articles related to CFS.

Where do older jobseekers find work?

Man working with network cabling.

Insights on Post-Prison Job Quality from the NC Reentry Outcome Reporting System

Older woman working from her laptop.

Older Workers in North Carolina’s Labor Market

Student wearing a mask with a bookbag on their shoulder.

Exploring the Short-Term Outcomes of North Carolina High School Graduates

Student wearing a mask with a bookbag on their shoulder.

Employment and Higher Education Enrollment of High School Graduates in the COVID-19 Era

Teacher teaching a class of children.

The Workforce Challenge in North Carolina’s Public and Private Schools During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Child playing.

The Workforce Behind the Workforce: North Carolina’s Childcare Service Industry Throughout the Pandemic

College graduates looking off in the distance.

“Recession Scarring” for College Graduates Entering the Labor Market During a Downturn

Restaurant worker cutting pizza.

What Happened to North Carolina’s Restaurant Workers After the COVID-19 Recession?

Person pulling money out of wallet.

Wage Growth and Wage Inequality in North Carolina

Hostess at a restaurant.

Low-Wage Workers and the K-Shaped Recovery in North Carolina

Person taking money from an ATM machine.

Most Workers Who Lost Their Job During the Covid-19 Recession in North Carolina Were Quickly Re-Employed

Person taking money from an ATM machine.

A Paycheck Is A Pathway Out of Prison: New Findings From North Carolina

People looking at a sheet of paper.

What Works in Workforce? The Impact of Apprenticeship on Laid-Off Workers

Hand cuffs and finger prints.

From School to Prison: The Criminal Justice Outcomes of Youth with Disabilities in North Carolina

A person welding metal.

The State of Reentry: An Update on Former Offenders in North Carolina’s Labor Market

Person writing in notebook.

Higher Education Leads to Higher Earnings for Students with Disabilities in North Carolina

People shaking hands.

The Labor Market for Former Offenders in North Carolina

Graduates throwing hats in the air.

Better with a Bachelor’s? Employment and Wages of UNC Graduates versus Leavers

Person in graduation cap.

Diverging Doctorates? Labor Market Outcomes of Professional & Academic Doctoral Programs in North Carolina

Winding road.

Pathways to Re-Entry: Former Offenders in North Carolina’s Workforce System

Person shaking hands during meeting.

Job-Finding & College Enrollment in North Carolina’s Tight Labor Market

Person sitting at computer.

Out of Prison, Out of Work: A New Normal for Ex-Offenders in North Carolina?

Construction worker.

The Employment & Wages of Offenders in North Carolina Before & After Incarceration

Person reading a book.

Pursuing an Associate Degree: Twists, Turns, & Wage Outcomes

Person waiting at commuter train stop.

Out of Prison, Into the Workforce: Ex-Offenders and North Carolina’s Tight Labor Market

Person being handed change.

The Highest-Paying College Majors in North Carolina